Burnet, Texas (With a Baby)
September 24, 2019
I haven’t been very active on this blog lately (hello parent life!), But I have been missing writing so I’m going to try and take some time to share our recent trips throughout Texas.
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Last weekend, we made a last minute decision to go on a day trip to Burnet. Making last minute plans has been difficult since our son was born last summer (especially if you like a bit of organization like me), but it is also incredibly beneficial from time to time to break with our daily routine, as important as routine is for a little one.
So I let go a bit of my worries (mainly how will Bastien be able to nap when we are out all day… no suspense, he didn’t sleep… and we survived!) and we drove to Burnet. I’ve always liked the Hill Country since my first trip to Fredericksburg a few years ago and I am very happy that Simon, who has grown in Texas and was never fond of it, is starting to see it with new eyes and to enjoy it.
The drive is not too long from North Austin where we live (about one hour) and is very scenic. We quickly reached country roads lined with ranches.

We drove through a very very small town called Oatmeal that counts 20 inhabitants! You wouldn’t even know you’re in a town if it weren’t for that giant Oatmeal box announcing it and its annual festival which I’m pretty curious about (maybe next year?!).

Oatmeal, Texas

Oatmeal, Texas
We had realized right after we left that a lot of stores in Burnet are closed on Sunday, or don’t open before noon. So we decided to go to a park where Bastien could have some fun on the swings and slides before heading to the restaurant. We chose to go to Mama’s Home Cooking which serves hearty, traditional country food. While I go for a simple but delicious veggie burger, Simon treats himself with a chicken fried steak with gravy (which we call béchamel in France and use for lasagna rather than for meat or bread), and sweet potato fries topped with cinnamon.

Mama’s Home Cooking
Burnet seems like a very cute and quaint town although with the heat and an overtired baby (in addition to a lot of stores being closed that day), we decided not to explore it by foot. We still make a stop at Finds!… Of All Kinds, a charming antique/gift shop with an adjoining English tea room.

The Fort Croghan museum that we wanted to go to is unfortunately closed on Sundays so we head to Longhorn cavern instead. the drive to the cave is scenic again and I even get to take my first picture of a Longhorn (after 2 years here). Like a child, I’m always so happy when I see one because they are so characteristic of Texas.

The tour was 90 minutes and we had hoped that Bastien would sleep… that didn’t happen, not even a minute. He even started saying “out” the second we walked in the cave. Simon and I took turns to hold him and whisper songs or recite his favorite books. I am not sure what we would have done if he had been really fussy since the guide would turn the lights on and off as we entered and leave a section.

Being with a baby gave us the advantage of always being in the back of the group and being able to take this beautiful picture without anybody!

Although neither of us would be able to explain the cave’s history, we both found it beautiful.
With a sleepy little boy to take care of, this visit marked the end of our day in Burnet. For sure, there is more to see there and I will gladly return some day.